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Nuts About Books Blogger Survey
At Graf-Martin Communications, we're committed to providing you with some of the best resources each month through our Nuts About Books review program. As part of this commitment, we'd like to make the experience even better for you. We'd really appreciate your honest feedback on how we're doing!

Would you help us get better at delivering what you want by filling out this simple survey? It should only take about 5 minutes to fill out. Your feedback will help us know what you like about Nuts About Books and give insight on what we can improve. Your input is valuable!  

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How often do you participate in our Nuts About Books review offerings?
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On a scale of 1-5, with 5 being the most satisfied, how satisfied are you with the selection of books and films we've offered for review this year?
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What is your favourite title we've offered so far this year?
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Do you feel our shipping schedule gives you sufficient time to read your monthly selection?
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If "Sometimes" or "Never", what can we do to improve in this area? Please specify below.
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How user-friendly have you found our new book request process?
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If "Hard" or "Very Hard", what can we do to make the process easier? Please specify below.
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How did you hear about Nuts About Books?
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What would you like to see improved about Nuts About Books? Please specify below.
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On a scale of 1-5, with 5 being the most likely, how likely are you to refer a fellow blogger to Nuts About Books?
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